Seducing the Muse: Get unstuck with a creative love affair


"If you've spent any time as a self-employed artist, "Seducing the Muse" by Niya C Sisk is a welcome relief from the constant concern with self-marketing, watching the business, and making a living. This book does bring you back to the whole point of the thing- the act of creation. I haven't read a book like this since "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron..."

Myth: creative inspiration visits us if we are gifted

What if the muse was waiting by your bedside every morning with motivation, love for your project and a bucket of creative inspiration? We think of being visited by the muse if we are lucky — a fickle force of inspiration that knows the secret of our creative success. What if the muse requires a little more skin in the game? "Instead of waiting for inspiration, go after it with a club" - Jack London. But offer tea, add some nice shoes and your kind of style. Create the conditions for inspiration like you would a love affair and keep inspiration in your life for good.

This little book is packed with creative vitamins and mind-frame tools that support the following: 
• Build stable, repeatable systems for creativity
• Stage your creative process as you would a dinner party
• Make "time" work for you by committing to a long view 
• Fall in love with your creative process.